A Passion for Creating Rugs

Our commitment to delivering high-quality rugs reflects our customer-centric approach, ensuring that every individual finds their perfect fit for their home.

Prominent Leader In The Rug Industry

Our team consists of skilled artisans and design experts who collaboratively create fine handmade area rugs.


Specialization in Various Rug Types

including hand-knotted, tibettan knot, hand-tufted, and dhurries.

Complete Production Control

From our in-House Manufacturing where we oversee every step of the rug-making process.

Diverse Design Collections

ranging from contemporary and modern to traditional styles.

About us

Established with a passion for artistry and a commitment to quality, our journey in the world of rug manufacturing has been a tapestry of dedication and expertise for more than 70 years.

With a history spanning more than 7 decades, We have become synonymous with timeless beauty and unparalleled craftsmanship. Our legacy is steeped in the rich traditions of rug-making, and we have earned our place as a trusted and respected name in the industry.

Customization options from aishah

We make custom rugs to your unique preferences to create a personalized piece that aligns perfectly with your vision.

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